3 Hour In-Person Class

• Change Your Thoughts
• Change Your Environment
• Feng Shui Your Life!

Join Patt for a Fun and Impactful Class!

When you are in the flow, you feel less stress, enjoy life more and live life through your intuitive and authentic self. You see all kinds of amazing synchronicities begin to happen, casing your life to become magical. In this class I will share how to identify synchronicities and allow you to trust the Universe and connect with your own intuition along with transformation tips for your environment.

  • Expand how you look at everything within your life with a new awareness!
  • Discover the missing step to manifesting with ease!
  • Explore the power that you have locked inside of you.
  • Breakthrough what’s holding you back and start living the life you love!
  • Learn the best career for your success.
  • Discover your best facing directions to bring power and authority.
  • Attract a new love with your best sleep direction.
  • Receive simple Feng Shui tips to change your work and home
    environments to feel more relaxed and in the flow.
  • Realize what areas in your space to avoid feeling stuck.
  • Know the best and most supportive areas for 2024!
  • Hear about a cutting-edge technology embraced by our Navy Seals and the U.S. Olympic Swim Team.
  • Increase stamina and performance naturally using your body’s own inner light to increase energy!
  • Enjoy deep sleep and elevate your body’s own holistic well-being.
  • Reawaken your inner vitality and reclaim an active spirit.

Patt Sendejas: Author, Speaker and Certified Infinite Possibilities Trainer of Thoughts Become Things!
California Certified Interior Designer and Leading Authority on Traditional Compass Feng Shui identifying the Energy
Blueprint within your space.
Featured in numerous magazines and newspaper such as; Woman’s World Magazine, Estylo Magazine, Los Angeles Daily News, and Ventura County Star.
Featured Speaker for: Homeland Security; LAX & Long Beach; Independent Community Bankers of America, California Realtors Convention.