According to the Five Element personality charting, If a baby is born on or after February 3, 2025 it will be a Snake Baby with the element of Earth Yin for boys or Wood Yin for girls. Born previous to February 3, 2025 a boy or girl will be a Dragon Baby and their element for both would be a Wood Yang.
All children born last year after
February 4, 2024 having the Wood element, would love trees, plants, the color green, and have "thunder" as their symbol causing them to get upset quickly and then everything would be alright. They are considered the parent of fire making them good with computers, a fire element, enjoying 4th of July fireworks, and cooking; all related to the fire element. Wood personality types, similar to plants, are supported by water, sometimes only sitting next to the ocean or a lake rather than being in the water will bring them a feeling of peace.
In my Everything is Energy 1 hour talks on Zoom or in Person-in, I enjoy personality charting for everyone in the audience. Check out my talk here and contact me to schedule a time I might speak to your group! I enjoy speaking to realtors because it helps them better understand the personality of their clients in order to select a home that provides the most support! I also work directly with buyers for future home purchase so that the best outcome is the result.
I love teaching my client's how their thoughts become things! Let me share a story that caused me to realize just how powerful our thoughts are. We manifest easier and quicker when two or more come together with their thoughts and words in agreement. I know that our thoughts create because numerous times I have witnessed the connection between my own thoughts and what I experience.
When my son was 17 and he was going in for surgery to have his tonsils removed, I spoke with him briefly before he went into surgery. I said to him, "Your surgery will go so well, that when it is over, the doctor will be so surprised that you hardly lost any blood!" When the doctor came to the waiting room to speak with me after, he said to me.... Wait for it!......Ready? The doctor said to me, "Your son's surgery went very well. I was very surprised because he only lost about a teaspoon of blood."
The mind is the computer for every cell in your body. Whatever your subconscious is told it believes. Especially if you have emotion connected to your thoughts or words. The mind knows no difference from reality or make believe. Athletes have been known to have success using their imagination and visualization to increase their performance before the game. This has been proven to be equivalent to actual real life practice in some cases, similar to being on the court, when a basketball player visualizes making baskets.
What if you really could think a thought and manifest it? What would your reality look like? Would you focus on good health, expect wealth and great relationships, enjoying positive results, or do you want to keep things the same because you are familiar with how things are in your life?
The 2025 Feng Shui energy visiting in the center of all buildings in 2025 provide you the opportunity to let go of thoughts that are limiting. The best way to help humanity is to change your perspective and realize we are all connected.
You are not helpless. You are more powerful than you realize and have the unique ability to send energy out into the world with your thoughts and intentions of healing. Because the world is moving faster with new technologies being introduced as systems are disrupted and destroyed, new structures, systems, corporations, religious institutions will be replaced with a more spiritual awareness and all will be rebuilt with more intention for the environment and the collective in society. As our thoughts continue to manifest and time seems to be speeding up with changes coming faster than you can imagine, it will be more important than ever to monitor your thoughts to bring about positive change as you will see how your thoughts manifest.
Remember with change may come apprehension and fear. The unknown can be very unsettling to people. Especially if you need to control people and outcomes to feel safe. This will not be a time you can control others or situations. That no longer works. The key is to ask for what you desire and allow the Universe, Source, to line things up on your behalf. It will be important to monitor your thoughts to shift from fear to confidence, courage, and compassion. This is the way of the humanitarian age of Aquarius. Sometimes grief and pain is needed to open our hearts. We are leaving the age of Pisces and entering the Age of Aquarius. Each age usually lasts around 2,160 years.
The Piscean Age has been about systems, corporations, institutions, and individual leaders, and the Aquarian Age is about the Collective as people come together to make a difference in our world. People are becoming aware of their unique power. More and more humanity will realize we are not alone. We will have visits from life in the cosmos once we have been able to let go of fear. More and more people will be noticing synchronicities and will not be able to deny that we are being supported and protected. Realizing there is a quantum field that connects us all! Coming together to speak up and help make change possible will become more common as we gain momentum in the Aquarian Age. Separation and/or sickness will be the theme all of this year in 2025. It is not something to fear. In fact fear will attract just what you do not want. Fear has always been said to be "fantasizing events appearing real!" Be prepared to switch your thought to something more positive as thoughts and feelings of fear arise.
Here in California with the devastating fires and in North Carolina and Florida with the Hurricanes, people came together to help each other. We saw time and time again neighbor helping neighbor sometimes single handedly helping to save their neighbors homes from fire. This is what is meant by communities coming together to implement change for humanity; which will become the norm. Unfortunately there may be unexpected and unwanted events that continue to occur. This is how new technologies and services are developed to improve the environment and the lives of people by focusing on what is desired.
Embrace thoughts of positivity, compassion, abundance, good health, and supportive relationships to feel complete and in in the flow. You can transform the energies around you and attract what you desire through your thoughts, and intentions. Remember your thoughts are prayers. I have always stated that you cannot be in fear and love at the same time. If you believe what you desire is possible, sooner or later you will experience that desire. Unfortunately most people give up just before their dreams become reality because they are not patient enough to allow the Universe to line up all the people and events that are needed to help create the opportunities that lead to manifesting those dreams.
I know the Universe is Infinite and if you do not attach to the how something will happen, and you allow the Universe to tap into the infinite possibilities that can occur on your behalf, you will be living a life of happiness and amazement. It isn't all visualization, of course you need to take action toward your desire. That action can be as simple as going out for a run, or cleaning out a closet and dropping off items to your favorite charity while continuing to focus on your dream. It is not up to you to figure how your dreams will manifest. That is the "letting go" with the energy of separation becoming stronger in 2025. Perspectives will shift. Your job is to hold the vision of what you desire and stay in love not fear. The higher your vibration, the faster you will attract your dreams.
In addition to the monthly visiting energy in the Center quadrant for the 2025, The Yearly Visiting Energy also brings the potential for separation and/or sickness all year. This energy may affect your health, relationships, and/or wealth for you or anyone working or living with you. Health challenges will cause people to seek ways to be healthier realizing that their good health is wealth. This will be specific to each individual’s journey and what will bring the most benefit to each person in order for each to evolve.
The separation and/or sickness energy all year in the center of all buildings is beneficial to help humanity awaken to their higher consciousness. This energy of separation is beneficial and necessary for society’s evolution. Everyone will have a greater understanding of who they are, have a greater awareness of their own personal power, letting go of thoughts that have caused separation between people and cultures. Great shifts within those who desire a more peaceful life of joy will be the result of letting go of limiting beliefs.
February will be the start of the separation and/or sickness energy we see coming to the center of all buildings for the entire year of 2025. More and more people are focusing on peace choosing thoughts of love over fear enjoying more power becoming highly creative.
Last year in 2024 brought whining and complaining, helping society better accept the ability to "Let go" and accept change coming in 2025! Institutions will experience major change beginning in 2025 as corporations develop new technologies and embrace new systems. Governments around the world will be undergoing surprising changes. Religions are now going through major change as people understand they are more powerful than they have been taught as they develop a greater understanding that we are all connected as a part of the creator having energy within us as part of the Universe bringing humanity together. Letting go of those beliefs that previously caused many to feel powerless. Your intuition will become stronger.
When you ask your higher self, "What shall I do next?" Remember to follow your intuition. If you have a 'hunch' to do anything, or to go anywhere, do not allow your mind to question it. Trust that 'hunch', as long as you feel safe in taking action.
Change will not happen overnight. This will be a gradual process as the separation energy of 2025 starts building momentum. During the month of August major change visits and brings challenging energies. How you react will make the difference in your life and those you love.
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(This promo ends on February 2, 2025)
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Here's to your Good health and success!